Is Search Incognito Safe?

Search Incognito is a Browser Extension

The Search Incognito extension that’s available from our website is a browser extension. This means that every time we release a new version it is scrutinized by the teams at both Mozilla and Google to ensure that we abide by their policies.

Being a browser extension also means that the Search Incognito extension is easily removable. In fact we provide direct instructions on our website with how to remove Search Incognito should you find it unappealing. This removal is also based on the browsers extension system and Search Incognito is unable to leave any trace of itself on your machine.

Search Incognito secures your search

Installing the Search Incognito extension adds a layer of security between your browser and the online world. We have advanced detection techniques to determine when your browser is going to make an insecure search and then we route that search to our custom search engine.

This search engine is 100% anonymous. We don’t store logs about any searches, we don’t store any information about where a user came from or was going, and we especially don’t store any information about the users themselves! Any claims that we store user information and build profiles to show targeted ads are completely slanderous.

Search Incognito is safe

We created Search Incognito to provide more privacy in the wake of the digital collection era. Constantly our online activities are being watched and valued. We have corporations putting dollar amounts on our head to sell to advertisers. We believe that the things you search for shouldn’t be used to target you. We believe in digital privacy.

Try the Search Incognito extension!


What’s Wrong with Using Google?

Google’s Mission Statement:

To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

That mission statement sounds great at first- if you want to know the local movie showtimes then having that information ‘universally accessible and useful’ is very convenient. However, consider how much data Google knows about you.

If you have an Android phone, you can see that Google knows everywhere you’ve been with your phone, regardless of if GPS is turned on (see your history here: Every time you ask ‘Ok Google’ a question, your voice is saved on Google’s servers (see your history here: Every single search you’ve ever made on Google is stored and analyzed by Google (see your history here: If you use Gmail, Google knows the content of every email you’ve sent or received.

Why does it matter if Google has this data?

Because Google’s primary business is advertising.

Google uses all of this data- your searches, your emails, your location history, even your browsing history- to generate a profile of who it thinks you are so that it can sell you as a product to potential advertisers. If you want to see what google thinks about you, visit this link to see the profile of your interests and likely demographic: Google’s main way to make money is to get as much information about you as it can so that it can tell advertisers what you’re likely to buy and they can try to affect your purchasing decisions.

“To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful,” Google says its primary goal is. It’s great when that information is about sports, news, or stocks, but it’s not so great when that universally accessible and useful information is about you.

Switch to a search engine that doesn’t view you as a product, and doesn’t exist solely to sell you to advertisers. Switch to Search Incognito.


Click Here! Try Search Incognito Now!

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Why Privacy Protection Matters

data privacy

Why does privacy matter when you have nothing to hide? You probably tell yourself that there’s nothing to worry about when the government only collects data to catch criminals.

The truth is, it does matter! Our personal information is collected in almost every transaction that occurs offline and online. Banks and credit card companies record, store and track our purchasing habits. Not only do they know what we purchased, they also track and store the locations and times of the purchases.

Companies claim that your personal information is secure from prying eyes and hackers. As we have see in recent years, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Case in point the 2013/2014 Target cyber-attack. It’s been estimated that over 40 million debit and credit card numbers were stolen during this attack. Millions of the card numbers were found and made available for purchase online by the cyber-criminals.

Steps need to be made both in the private and public sectors to ensure that our privacy is protected. Most importantly, we need to educate ourselves with the companies we deal with each and every day and what measures they have in place to ensure that our personal information is kept private and secure.